How to Avoid Sweaty Feet When its Warm

As the weather gets warmer, sweating becomes an issue for countless people. Even those who are not particularly active can sweat a lot when the temperature outside increases. Excessive sweating can be a real issue for some individuals, especially when this leads to body odor issues. Even for those who do not struggle particularly bad with sweating under the arms for example, sweaty feet can be a real problem. So is there anything that can be done about sweaty feet? Is this something that you just have to live with during the warm summer months, or are there things you can do to minimize the problem?
Choose Open Shoes
The best shoes to wear when it is warm outside are those that allow your feet to breathe, such as sandals or flip-flops. This allows air to get to the feet and prevent them from getting too hot. If you do need to wear closed shoes, opt for those made from a breathable fabric such as leather or canvas. When wearing sneakers, make sure you wear socks made from cotton as this provides the right amount of ventilation. You can also look for moisture-wicking socks that help to absorb moisture when the feet sweat. On another note, try changing your shoes regularly instead of sticking to a favorite pair every day. If you cycle through your shoes, they then get a chance to dry out and air, preventing a buildup of bacteria.
Keep Hydrated
You are likely to sweat more when it is hot outside because your body will be attempting to regulate its temperature. If you stay hydrated, your body will not have to work so hard to keep you cool. Make sure that you drink plenty of water and avoid too many caffeinated drinks. Caffeinated drinks are known diuretics, meaning that they make you pass more urine and lead to dehydration.
Try a Shoe Deodorizer
The makers of shoe odor spray ShoeFresh recommend spraying your shoes with a shoe deodorizer to keep them smelling clean and fresh. There are many types of shoe and foot sprays available that will help to eliminate bad odors and bacteria. With around 125,000 sweat glands on each or your feet, it is wise to consider an antiperspirant foot spray as well, which will block the sweat glands temporarily. If you have developed a fungal infection because of excessive sweating, try an antifungal powder first and then begin using the deodorizing spray.
How to Deal with Sweaty Feet
The above are some tips for preventing sweaty feet, but what can you do to treat the problem? If you find that your feet are still sweating no matter what preventative measures you take, there are some things you can do to help avoid foot odor.
If your feet are sweating excessively, you might find that changing your socks helps. If this is the case, it would be best to get into the habit of carrying some spare socks with you. Changing your socks will help to absorb any moisture in your shoes and will hence minimize the risk of your feet smelling.
When you change your socks, be sure to clean your feet first. While you may not always be in a position to wash your feet (if you are at work for example), you can clean them with a wipe and then dry them with some tissue or paper towel. You can then use a deodorizing foot spray before putting your new socks on. As mentioned above, moisture-wicking socks are a good option for helping to prevent sweaty feet. You can usually find these in sports shops.