Who should you Gift Deadpool Tees to?

Any plans to buy a Deadpool tee real soon, but have no idea what to do with it?
If you have recently seen an awesome bunch of deadpool t shirts and have gone nuts about it, you might want to gift at least a couple of them to others around you. However, when it comes to such t-shirts, it is not an easy job to find people to gift these too. You literally have to know what kind of people are going to appreciate such gifts from your end.
Want to know who you should gift Deadpool tees to?
Firstly, try finding someone who is as mad as Deadpool as you are. Whether it is your favorite neighbor, a dear friend, a loved one or your partner – if you are gifting such a tee to someone, he has got to be mad about this specific character. Gifting this character’s tee to someone who does not even know anything about him and his story would make no sense. Thus, try understanding about the craziness of a specific person for this specific character. The moment you find one such person, and you want to gift them something, go ahead and gift the same to them.
Secondly, do not be gender biased when it comes to such products. It is not that only a man can wear a Deadpool tee; we personally know a lot of women who are mad about this character and thus, they like displaying their madness for him by wearing his tees. If you know a woman who likes this character, you can surely gift a Deadpool tee to her.
However, we have seen a lot of children wearing Deadpool tees, mostly. Thus, you can surely gift such tees to the children you know in life.