The benefits of proposing to your partner in private

If you’re reading this it’s probably fair to assume that you’re trying to plan a proposal for your partner. Firstly, congratulations! This is an exciting step in your relationship. That being said, it’s very stressful and can sometimes feel almost impossible to get it right. Don’t worry, everyone feels this way, it’s totally natural. Trust your gut and keep your partner in mind and you won’t go wrong.
So, with this in mind, one of the toughest decisions to make is whether you’ll do a private, or public proposal. Both have their advantages, and both have their disadvantages too. To help you make up your mind, here are the benefits of a private proposal!
It’s more Intimate
By its very definition, a private proposal will be more intimate. It’s something that will share with just the two of you, and not random strangers who happen to be in the right place at the right time. Depend on the team at wedding rings Dublin to help you find the right ring.
No outside interference
When in public, you can’t really control what other people do. This means, with other people, you increase the chances of something going wrong. So, by proposing in private you lower the risk of outside interference so things can go just how you planned!
Less Pressure
Think about how nervous you get speaking in public? Now imagine how you would feel, getting down on one knee, in front of a crowd of people. All eyes are on you as you try to pop the question. Sounds pretty intimidating. Proposing in private means you’ll be away from prying eyes, so even if you stumble over your words, no one but your partner will notice.
Complete Control
When in public, there are certain rules you’ll need to follow in any given space. Whereas in private, you can be as creative as you like! This means you can transform a room to your liking and make it as personal and special as you like.
You can enjoy the moment
Proposals tend to be very emotional moments, which can make them feel slightly strange when in public. Typically, there are tears, lots of hugs, kisses, and other emotions that come out in the heat of the moment. When in public, we tend to become self-conscious and less expressive of these feelings. If you’re at a restaurant, for example, you may have food coming or someone else waiting for your table. In private, none of these rules apply. You can be free with your emotions and truly enjoy the moment for as long as you like.
Easier to Record
Why are movies shot on private sets? To stop people from interfering. If you plan a proposal in private, you can record it without interruption. How you go about this is up to you. You could hide a camera to record it or have a photographer hidden ready to go.